Weight Loss During Menopause: My Personal Journey

Back in 2011, I had a hysterectomy to bid farewell to those troublesome fibroids. As a bonus, I finally got that flat stomach I had always wanted. It was a major achievement, considering I’ve battled with my weight for as long as I can consciously remember. Finally, the scale went below 200 pounds.

Fast forward to January 2016. My weight had ballooned up to about 228 pounds and I decided to start weight training with Champion Body Builder Damion Daniel.

That year, I worked out at an intensity that I did not know I was capable of. That, coupled with mindful eating, resulted in me getting again to under 200 pounds, but this time, with a lot of muscles so I looked smaller. Alongside my workouts, I paid more attention to what I ate. Damion had this rule: no carbs after 6 p.m. So, for lunch, I focused on protein, veggies, and sometimes indulged in a delicious complex carb like sweet potato or black beans…or both.

Since late 2022, my weight has again crept up. Apparently, I am not alone. Sigh. Turns out, weight gain during menopause is a common thing. Our bodies go through all sorts of changes – lean body mass decreases, body fat increases, and it becomes tougher to shed those pounds during menopause. However, I am told that weight gain during menopause is not inevitable and can be managed with the right lifestyle choices, including a healthy diet and regular physical activity. The physical activity it not an issue for me as I work out regularly. And my diet is healthy during the day and up to the salad that I usually have for dinner.

So even though in 2016 I used to eat carbs at lunch and lose weight, 7 years later, I can’t lose weight even though I have been eating lower carbs. But if I really analyze what has happened, I can identify two differences. In 2016, I used to get a lot more sleep than I am getting now. Also, since 2020, I’ve been working longer hours, and it’s taken a toll on my evening food choices, after the usual salad. Stress and fatigue make it all too easy to reach for some nuts, a spoon of peanut butter, a pack of plantain chips (why do I even buy them? Ugh, the struggle is real.) I wrote about these challenges in more detail in this post in March 2023.

One thing is real…..during menopause, I cannot slack off and take my foot off the weight loss gas. In 2016, a typical breakfast was steel cut oats, with ripe banana, and I lost weight effortlessly. I just have to get over that what worked for me in 2016, will not lead to weight loss during menopause.

I won’t be starting another “What I ate today” series because, let’s face it, I can’t keep up with that. Instead, I’ll keep experimenting with different approaches. It’s all about finding what works for me, whether it’s tweaking my diet, trying new workouts, or finding creative ways to manage stress and get some quality sleep. I am aiming to be a healthy weight in 2026. Can I do it? Can I stop disappointing myself, by prioritizing me instead of others? Check back to read how I am doing on my weight loss journey during menopause.

What I ate today: March 6, 2023

Woke up late (after the alarm went off, I set it for another hour).

First up, warm water and 1/2 lemon. Then sardines with Solomon Gundy, little mayo, avocado and low carb bread I bake myself. Here is the recipe for the darker one and here is the one for the lighter one. I will gradually reduce the portion. Coffee of course, with a splash of unsweetened coconut milk and heavy cream, plus unsweetened Jouvay cocoa powder. This was about 8:40 a.m.

Had a second cup of coffee around 1 p.m., then at about 3:15 p.m. I had 1 baked chicken thigh, a smattering (about 1/8 cup) of some steamed veg (okra and pumpkin) and 1 boiled egg. I had carried avocado but as I was eating so late, and I intended to exercise at about 5:30 p.m., I didn’t want to be full. Well….didn’t reach home until 6:30 p.m.! Here’s why.

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Non-Communicable Diseases: An economic AND education problem

In this Jamaica Observer article, Jamaica’s Minister for Health & Wellness Hon. Dr Christopher Tufton advocates for more focus to be placed on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Dr Tufton cited the most recent Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey (JHLS III) revealed that one in three Jamaicans has hypertension, one in two is overweight or obese, and one in eight has diabetes.”

This statistic is likely the same for some, and perhaps all, other Caribbean countries.

The article goes on to state that “”The minister contended that this points to an NCD crisis and asserted that “as a matter of urgency, we must drive the NCD agenda forward… we must challenge systems and approaches that do not yield results and be willing to think outside the box”.”

The economic problem is real. The burden placed on healthcare, as well as expenses patients face to treat these preventable (in most cases) diseases is real, and utilizes scarce resources.

What if more of the Ministry’s resources, plus some from the Education Ministry, were used to develop and institute a better education programme to tackle all areas of health and wellness? Education should also include food manufacturers. I heard one CEO of a baking company refer to one of their new products as “healthy.” The nutrition data would prove that to be incorrect, given the amount of sugar it contains.

I harp on education because of my own experience. About 2 decades ago, I was very obese and decided to do something about it. A rigorous exercise programme and modification to my diet, led to a 38 pound weight loss in 8 months. At the time, I was very pleased with that result, but having better educated myself since 2016 about food and its effect on hormones and physiology, I realize I could have lost twice the amount of weight. The mistake was thinking that the big bowl of fruit and low fat yogurt, or oats I was eating for breakfast back then, was healthy. I repeat what I said in the previous paragraph: the nutrition data would prove that to be incorrect, given the amount of sugar it contains.

Steel cut oats with ripe banana and walnuts

So Minister Tufton, let’s have a rethink about an education programme, with a strong nutrition component, to tackle NCDs and get Jamaicans off their medications. And be sure to include educating our doctors and nurses. When I hear stories if some doctors giving their diabetic patients more insulin, rather than directing them to remove from their diet, what causes their glucose levels to rise, then I know that they need education too.

Implementing a sugar tax on companies who manufacture and/or sell unhealthy foods, is for another post.

Old Habits Don’t Go Away Easily

I just threw away 2 batches of cooked Steel Cut Oats which I had had in the freezer for about 2 years. A few years ago, I used to eat Oats often, especially in 2016 when I was working out like a beast with Caribbean champion body builder, Grenada’s Damion Daniel. See evidence below!

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New Habit: Wake up earlier – Day 3 – Wednesday

As I started to prepare for bed after 11 p.m. last night, I yawned. Can’t remember yawning in a long time. Could it be that the exercise I did between 5 and 6 p.m. Tuesday, was going to help me fall asleep quickly?

Tuesday’s daytime activities

Ate breakfast while watching Wendy Williams (between 10 and 11 a.m.) then worked at home from about 11:45 a.m. to close to 5 p.m. Took mini breaks in between, of course. Ate a spoon of organic Almond Butter at about 2:30 p.m. I felt productive on Tuesday for sure. Yay for that. Would the good feeling last?

In the morning, I had set hourly reminders to drink water, after Googling the number of ounces in a gallon (128). I drink from a 20 ounce bottle and in my mind, I’d thought 4 was an achievement, then had my bubble burst when I realised I was 2 cups short. 😲 I fell behind. Water fills you up quite a bit!

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Gym episode 20/03: Last chance workout…on my own

Damion Daniel was unavailable to train me on Sunday. Although I was accustomed to working out on my own all these years, I have come to rely on him pushing me to, as he told me, where my body has never gone before. Let’s see what I could put together for this “last chance workout,” still under his watchful eye as he was in the gym.


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Gym episode 18/03: Progress

As the end of the 40 day challenge draws near, I can feel the progress I have made. And the reality is I have not had to do anything too drastic. Well except that the Christmas pudding is sitting in the freezer. Funny enough though, I haven’t craved it. THAT is certainly progress.

Exercise for today was the last of Bambi’s class at work. Like I did Monday, I carried my skipping rope and weights to continue working out after. Worked up a really great sweat.

This was lunch on Friday. The chicken was seasoned with only lemon rind, garlic and coconut oil. No salt. Yummmy!


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Gym episode 17/03: Back-to-back session

It’s kinda rough having back to back sessions with the Trainer. He pushes me to go full throttle so I am spent at the end of it. But without a choice, I laced up my sneakers and headed to the gym…..and one hour earlier too! I must really like working with him. Those who know me well, know that I am not a morning person AT ALL.

This morning, I had to have steely resolve to get through the workout. Something had upset my sleep on Wednesday and I woke up twice during the night. Damion always stresses that the mind needs to drive my workouts. Mind, are you present?

Warm up went well enough.


We did squats on the stationery machine (Smith?) “But didn’t we do squats yesterday?” is my retort when I have to do them on consecutive days. His usual response is “yeah…ok let’s go.” :?:? No sympathy. But it’s good for me.

The trainer had been putting me through a more cardiovascular workout this week so everything had to be done quicker to get the heart rate up. So yes, I huffed and puffed my way through the workout.

At the end of it all, I felt exhilerated, knowing that I was rather tired. It made it all the more worthwhile when I could fit into a jacket which I had not been able to wear in months. It couldn’t even button up back then. 🙂

I mark off my workouts on a calendar at work. Entering today’s session felt particularly satisfying. I can feel my body accepting the challenges I have thrown at it.

Gym episode 13/03: I want to make magic

The heat was being turned up. We were coming into the final stretch of the 40 day weight loss challenge. One week from today, to be exact. Normally my Sunday workouts consist of calming yoga and tai chi. But when the Trainer is available for a rare Sunday session, you ditch those, but in favour of what? Continue reading

Gym episode 11/03: Skipping

I had kept forgetting that I had a skipping rope. So Thursday night I made sure to take it out and message Damion Daniel that I would be bringing it in Friday.

After my warm up, we did exercises inside. Can’t recall what we did (second note to self….do blog posts immediately after). He then took up a bar and told me to come outside. There is gym equipment out in the car park. No AC. Sun did hottttt. We did lat pull downs and the hated squats.

Next there were sprints, then skipping. I used to see my mother skip during training when she used to play netball internationally. Her knees went higher than mine. I also always remember my dearly departed friend Nelisa, who would always mention skipping as a good workout when she was motivating me to exercise even though I couldn’t afford to go to the gym back then. Her mom also played netball. Maybe that’s where she picked it up.

I was so engrossed in the training that it wasn’t until Damion looked at his watch and said he had to go, that I realized the time. I too had a meeting.

The time during the training sessions with Damion goes by without me realizing how long we are working out for. Well, that’s except if he is making me do the hated squats or lunges and I ask him “yuh doh have somewhere to go??”