Following up from my last post, where I mentioned having had a hysterectomy in 2011, here is the article I wrote for SHE Caribbean (is that magazine still published?).
If I had thought about this earlier, I would have had the operation from in my late 30’s and it would have saved me a LOT OF STRESS!!! But maybe Dr Michael Abrahams would not have agreed then, to take out the whole ‘kit and caboodle,’ because I had not had children. But I was 100% certain I did not want any kids.
Please excuse the lean photos. The publisher had sent me a magazine, I loaned it to someone, don’t remember who, and they never gave me back. This was from a poor scan I had done.
Woke up late (after the alarm went off, I set it for another hour).
First up, warm water and 1/2 lemon. Then sardines with Solomon Gundy, little mayo, avocado and low carb bread I bake myself. Here is the recipe for the darker one and here is the one for the lighter one. I will gradually reduce the portion. Coffee of course, with a splash of unsweetened coconut milk and heavy cream, plus unsweetened Jouvay cocoa powder. This was about 8:40 a.m.
Had a second cup of coffee around 1 p.m., then at about 3:15 p.m. I had 1 baked chicken thigh, a smattering (about 1/8 cup) of some steamed veg (okra and pumpkin) and 1 boiled egg. I had carried avocado but as I was eating so late, and I intended to exercise at about 5:30 p.m., I didn’t want to be full. Well….didn’t reach home until 6:30 p.m.! Here’s why.
As you get older, do your thoughts change about aging? Do you see visible signs that lets you know you are getting older? I used to have neutral thoughts about aging. Maybe it was because my parents and all their relatives seemed to look the same from year to year. Then when I turned 40, a wave of panic set in. I started to draw a mind map of my thoughts about aging, while on a plane somewhere over the Caribbean Sea.
The signs of aging were evident before that milestone. In my 30’s, on March 29, 2003 to be exact, my eye spotted a grey hair peeking out from my curly afro. I froze. Next came a battle between me and it. I finally succeeded with the help of my tweezers. The hair now rests on a page in one of my journals with the caption “My 1st grey hair!”
In this Jamaica Observer article, Jamaica’s Minister for Health & Wellness Hon. Dr Christopher Tufton advocates for more focus to be placed on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).
Dr Tufton cited the most recent Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey (JHLS III) revealed that one in three Jamaicans has hypertension, one in two is overweight or obese, and one in eight has diabetes.”
This statistic is likely the same for some, and perhaps all, other Caribbean countries.
The article goes on to state that “”The minister contended that this points to an NCD crisis and asserted that “as a matter of urgency, we must drive the NCD agenda forward… we must challenge systems and approaches that do not yield results and be willing to think outside the box”.”
The economic problem is real. The burden placed on healthcare, as well as expenses patients face to treat these preventable (in most cases) diseases is real, and utilizes scarce resources.
What if more of the Ministry’s resources, plus some from the Education Ministry, were used to develop and institute a better education programme to tackle all areas of health and wellness? Education should also include food manufacturers. I heard one CEO of a baking company refer to one of their new products as “healthy.” The nutrition data would prove that to be incorrect, given the amount of sugar it contains.
I harp on education because of my own experience. About 2 decades ago, I was very obese and decided to do something about it. A rigorous exercise programme and modification to my diet, led to a 38 pound weight loss in 8 months. At the time, I was very pleased with that result, but having better educated myself since 2016 about food and its effect on hormones and physiology, I realize I could have lost twice the amount of weight. The mistake was thinking that the big bowl of fruit and low fat yogurt, or oats I was eating for breakfast back then, was healthy. I repeat what I said in the previous paragraph: the nutrition data would prove that to be incorrect, given the amount of sugar it contains.
Steel cut oats with ripe banana and walnuts
So Minister Tufton, let’s have a rethink about an education programme, with a strong nutrition component, to tackle NCDs and get Jamaicans off their medications. And be sure to include educating our doctors and nurses. When I hear stories if some doctors giving their diabetic patients more insulin, rather than directing them to remove from their diet, what causes their glucose levels to rise, then I know that they need education too.
Implementing a sugar tax on companies who manufacture and/or sell unhealthy foods, is for another post.
For many people, the events of the past 10 months have understandably brought certain financial questions to the fore, chief among them being: Is my emergency saving fund in good shape? Am I carrying too much bad debt? Does my budget realistically reflect my current reality? Is my financial portfolio adequately diversified? Do I have enough of a safety net by way of insurance?
— Read on
This could be any of a milion and one nights…..just ask the brother and one of the Aunt-Doctors who have received ….dare I say willingly(? (-_-))… calls in the wee hours of the morning when a panic attack was taking a stranglehold. Thankfully, those are behind me (I think!!) and it is probably for that reason, why I remained calm, even as a headache rocked me for 3 days.
It started at work. Actually, it started with me having a cup of Instant Coffee at work one Wednesday. Back in 2008, I had converted to brewed coffee. What a blessed day that was, although the shock of the caffeine that first time had made me feel I was going to take off like a rocket at first. So it is very rare now, for me to drink anything but brewed coffee. After that Instant cuppa Wednesday, I felt tinglings in my head. Added to that, I had changed the desk I sat at and the height of the chair at the desk didn’t seem to agree with my neck. Slowly, I felt the pain creep up.
The heat was being turned up. We were coming into the final stretch of the 40 day weight loss challenge. One week from today, to be exact. Normally my Sunday workouts consist of calming yoga and tai chi. But when the Trainer is available for a rare Sunday session, you ditch those, but in favour of what? Continue reading →
Wednesdays during the 40 day challenge is usually when we go walking in the business park. That did not happen. If I didn’t exercise on Wednesday, I would only be doing 3 days for the week and my minimum is 4 days. Decision made….I would go to the gym.
But instead of leaving pronto and going straight, I idled at work then went to the bank. The result? I only had 15 minutes to exercise before I had to meet a friend for dinner. Yes….I carried clothes to bathe and change at the gym.
Busted my tail on the elliptical. Proud buck! Why? In the old days, I would have said since I only had 15 minutes, it didn’t make sense. Since I discovered High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), even 5 minutes is enough. Continue reading →
It was with glee that I packed my gym bag Monday after getting the go ahead from my physiotherapist, Garvin Taylor from Grenada Physiotherapy and Pain Relief Centre.
Four p.m. was the gym time as my trainer Damion Daniel had to train at 5. Did my 10 minute warm up on the bicycle.
My thigh was still a bit sore and I also had to pay attention to my back. But I managed to finish.
I can’t recall the first part of the session. Must have been upper body. The sprints outside consisted of one called “suicide” where you ran to a near marker, then back to the start then to a farther marker and back to the start etc. etc. It was for a very short time but I was breathless when I was done!
To finish up was pyramid exercises on the lrg extension and leg curl machines. I didn’t think too much of what a pyramid looks like and how that is related to gym exercises. I soon found out. Continue reading →
The second half of the challenge will be more vigorous….if my body allows. I am going to give it a serious talking to! Doh let mi dung! We haffi go non-stop.
Wednesday morning started later than planned because Tuesday night had pain fuh so! And it wasn’t pain from Monday’s cardio class at work with Bambi. My upper body throbbed. Couldn’t find a comfortable position.
Last week when I had steelcut oats before the session, I felt very lethargic so this morning I decided to have 1 tin of sardines… yes….straight outta di tin with nutten on it :o. Had half a carambola and coffee with it.
The Trainer was waiting for me when I got there. Did my 10 minutes warm up on the elliptical, increasing the level every 30 seconds or 1 minute. It felt easier today.