Following up from my last post, where I mentioned having had a hysterectomy in 2011, here is the article I wrote for SHE Caribbean (is that magazine still published?).
If I had thought about this earlier, I would have had the operation from in my late 30’s and it would have saved me a LOT OF STRESS!!! But maybe Dr Michael Abrahams would not have agreed then, to take out the whole ‘kit and caboodle,’ because I had not had children. But I was 100% certain I did not want any kids.
Please excuse the lean photos. The publisher had sent me a magazine, I loaned it to someone, don’t remember who, and they never gave me back. This was from a poor scan I had done.
Hope you find the article informative. Do share!

By the way, Dr Abrahams is a real comedian and made the experience stress-free. He also did “Julie Mango’s” surgery (she did a myomectomy). Here is a recorded video from a Facebook Live she hosted with Dr Abrahams as her guest.
PS. I still have the pictures of my fibrous uterus, but I figured they were too gory to have put in the article 🙂
PSS. If you are sharp, you will put ‘2 and 2 together’ and know my age. Yes…..I know. I look much much younger. #GoodGenes.