What I ate today: March 6, 2023

Woke up late (after the alarm went off, I set it for another hour).

First up, warm water and 1/2 lemon. Then sardines with Solomon Gundy, little mayo, avocado and low carb bread I bake myself. Here is the recipe for the darker one and here is the one for the lighter one. I will gradually reduce the portion. Coffee of course, with a splash of unsweetened coconut milk and heavy cream, plus unsweetened Jouvay cocoa powder. This was about 8:40 a.m.

Had a second cup of coffee around 1 p.m., then at about 3:15 p.m. I had 1 baked chicken thigh, a smattering (about 1/8 cup) of some steamed veg (okra and pumpkin) and 1 boiled egg. I had carried avocado but as I was eating so late, and I intended to exercise at about 5:30 p.m., I didn’t want to be full. Well….didn’t reach home until 6:30 p.m.! Here’s why.

Local chicken has been scarce. I usually have to time the delivery truck on a Saturday, but last Saturday I wasn’t around at that time. Suppen seh to me “call the supermarket.” They had plenty, so I bought a lot. I cook in batches and freeze it. They also had avocados. The chicken is in the same aisle as the peanuts and the plantain chips. I sped down the other side of the aisle, so that I could avoid looking at them. 🤣. So my basket was compliant.

I do not like exercising in the evening. So the trick I use is to put on the gym clothes as soon as I reach home, and look for a short workout. My go-to channel is Burpee Girl (who doesn’t do burpees in her all-standing workouts). Did this one after eating 3 pecans, cause hunger was biting me.

Dinner was first some chicken broth I made myself, a chicken salad at about 7:30 p.m., followed by 2 ozs cheese and 1/2 a boiled egg. Normally, it would have been nuts. Salad dressing was likkle mayo, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and cracked black pepper. I’d say it was a good day. Didn’t feel stressed at work, and didn’t feel uptight about the food. Check back tomorrow, why don’t you.

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